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NHRC, UN, Call For Actions To Address Hate Speech

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By Edith Nwapi
 The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has called for delibrate actions to address the menace of hate speech in the country.
Mr Tony Ojukwu SAN, Executive Secretary, NHRC made the call at the maiden edition of the commemoration of the International Day for Countering Hate speech on Saturday, in Abuja. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that in 2021, the UN General Assembly’s adopted resolution 75/309 on promoting interreligious and intercultural dialogue and tolerance in countering hate speech, to be observed annually on June 18.
Speaking at the a stakeholders event to commemorate the Day, Ojukwu said hate speech should be checked especially during election year. “The National Security Strategy 2019 asserts the use of hate speech to distort socio-political, cultural and economic relationships in Nigeria. It states that hate speech promotes prejudice, undermine social cohesion and constitute a threat to national security. As we are aware, the run up to general elections in Nigeria is usually characterised by the blatant use of provocative, strong, and derogatory hate speeches by political actors and persons who are inclined to their political interests.
” These speeches have raised strong feelings of resentments typified by religious and ethnic/tribal negative labelling among the people. Although, hate speeches are not peculiar to Nigeria, it has become a strong tool in the hands of persons with divisive tendencies before, during and after elections.   Their aim is to insult and ridicule perceived opponents of political parties and thereby incite electoral violence leading to loss of lives and destruction of properties.  The frequent use of hate speeches in Nigeria, has devastating effect on sustainable peace, national cohesion, dignity of human person, peace and development in our country.
” It is most unfortunate that this menace has also crept into places worship whereupon some religious leaders have also joined in the foray of spreading hate speeches.  What is more worrisome is the uncontrolled use or misuse of the media especially the social media to spread hate messages in Nigeria. In 2015, the National Human Rights Commission in line with its mandate collaborated with the Macarthur Foundation and called for memoranda in National Dailies and received complaints/petitions on hate speeches and election related violence that could disrupt or affect the enjoyment of the right to vote and participate in the 2015.
” Accordingly, addressing the menace of hate speech is a matter of great concern for all of us.  This will prevent conflicts and advance peace and progress in our dear country. Today’s event presents yet another opportunity to address the menace of hate speech in Nigeria.
He said the commission acknowledges the UN strategy and plan of action on hate speech which provides a coordinated action to tackle hate speech at international and national levels.  To this end, resource persons will speak on topical issues on hate speech, which will encourage stakeholders to take action to strengthen democratic values, national cohesion and the promotion and Protection of human rights in Nigeria” he said.
Similarly, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, Matthias Schmale represented by Adowa kufuor Senior Human Rights Adviser in Nigeria, said hate speech if unchecked could harm peace and development.
” The UN considers hate speech as any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are.
 In other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identity factor.
” Hate speech contradicts all the values and principles enshrined in international human rights law.  It also undermines efforts to achieve the aim of 2030 agenda and it’s SDGs to leave no one behind, as it often targets the most vulnerable in our societies and minorities. The devastating effect of hatred is not new.
”  However, new technologies of communication has amplified the scale and impact of hate speech. Social media and the internet are now the most frequent methods for spreading divisive rhetoric and ideologies on a global scale.
 If left unchecked, hate speech can harm peace and development, lay the ground for conflicts and tensions, undermine social cohesion, and contribute to wide scale human rights violations and atrocity crimes. The world must not trample on freedom of speech and expression, but when speech is weaponized to violate the rights of others it must not be met with deafening silence.   Silence implies apathy and even acceptance.
”  We must be vigilant when we notice a rise in hate speech around us. At the UN in Nigeria, we are working with multiple stakeholders to promote tolerance. UNESCO is leading the way through its efforts to promote Media and Information Literacy (MIL).  We are also currently developing a UN wide hate speech strategy. We count on your support in ensuring the strategy will be translated into effective action.  As we celebrate a culture of tolerance today, I urge all of us including the government, traditional and faith leaders, civil society, young people, individuals, to increase our efforts to counter hate speech in line with international human rights law. As the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, has said: ‘Hatred is a danger to everyone and so fighting it must be a job for everyone.’ she said.
Other stakeholders lend their voices also to the menace of hate speech. The event was organised by NHRC in collaboration with UN with the theme, ‘ Together, we stand stronger.'(NAN)
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