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Shehu Sani Accuses NAF Of Deliberate Refusal To Take Action Against Terrorists

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From NNANNA Otu, Lagos

The Federal Government has confirmed that a Helicopter Gunship belonging to the Nigerian Air Force was involved in the a counter offensive against the terrorists that attacked several villages in the Southern Kaduna area of Kaduna state. This is coming against the backdrop of allegations by victims of the terror attack that the terrorists had an Arial support from a strange Helicopter during the attack that claimed no fewer than 38 lives and several houses razed.

However, Senator Shehu Sani who represented Kaduna Central Senatorial District in the Eighth National Assembly had a different view in his reaction to the attack.

Shehu Sani who took to his social media page claimed that he spoke on phone with the leader of the Kajuru youth and that he confirmed that 38 people were massacred. Shehu also reacted to the allegation that the helicopter sighted during the attack belonged to the terrorist and that it was used in helping them to attack the people. He was of the view that since the helicopter did not belong to the terrorists, it could not have been used to wage war on them when the attack was going on. Rather, he stated that the Helicopter deliberately refused to take actions against the terrorists.

His post read in part: “The reported helicopter may not have belonged to the terrorists, but it deliberately refused to take action against the terrorists when they were killing and burning down houses.”

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