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We Stand With Ekweremadu – Ebonyi State Government Declares As It Meets With Nwamini Family

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The Government of Ebonyi State has invited the family of David Ukpo Nwamini, the young man at the centre of the Senator Ike Ekweremadu United Kingdom travail, to a meeting at the Ebonyi State Government House, Abakaliki.

In a statement issued by the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Dr. Kenneth Ugbala, the Government said it deemed it necessary to wade into the matter because “Ekweremadu is an illustrious son of Igboland and David Ukpo Nwamini is a worthy son of the state.

“Ebonyi State Government has noted a lot of distortion of information in the Social Media and has stepped into the matter to unravel all the facts.

“From preliminary investigations, David Ukpo Nwamini hails from Izzi Local Government Area of Ebonyi State and was living with his younger brother in Ikotun, Lagos State and was engaged in selling of phone accessories with his brother before he left for London.

“From the information available to us, it appears that the said David Ukpo Nwamini is not a MINOR as his younger brother, he was living with is said to be above 20 years of age and if that is the case, then David Ukpo Nwamini might have misinformed the London Police or the London Police was very hasty in reaching a conclusion in declaring Mr. David Ukpo Nwamini a MINOR.

“From the records of David’s passport and testimony of Ebonyians in Lagos, preliminary investigation suggests that David is an adult who has a fundamental right to take decisions concerning himself.

“From the account on Social Media, we observe that Senator Ike Ekwerernadu did full disclosure in his letter to the British High Commission in Nigeria in support of David Ukpo’s London Visa application with the sole aim of donating kidney to Senator Ike Ekweremadu’s daughter and so the issue of donation of kidney was never hidden by the Senator.

“We, therefore, request the family members of David Ukpo Nwamini to please come forward for a meeting with Ebonyi State Government on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 in Abakaliki, Government House, to give us useful information to resolve this problem.

“Without prejudice to justice being served on the matter and whatever may be the outcome, Ebonyi State Government stands with Senator Ike Ekweremadu and their own son, David Ukpo Nwamini and will do everything possible to assist both, while the case lasts and after the case.

“Ekweremadu has not been found guilty as investigation is not yet concluded and do request Social Media to be fair in their reporting and to wait for the outcome of the investigation by the London Police.

“We have confidence in the ability of the London Police to dig into the matter and to serve justice to all parties and nothing but justice.”

(News Express)

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