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Women Journalist Condemn Domestic Violence Against Women

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By Amaka Amaka

The Nigeria Association of Women Journalists, NAWOJ has noted with dismay increasing cases of physical and domestic violence against women by their spouses.

They described the trend as unacceptable, especially when the rights ow women wee being protected in other societies.

The Chairperson of the Association in Enugu State, Ngozi Ngene made the remark when members visited a fellow members to Mrs Onyinye Ozokolo who was allegedly brutalized by her husband.

Reports say Mrs Ozokolo, who hails from from Obunofia , Ezeagu Local Government Area of Enugu State and lives at Coal Camp, was manhandled by her husband when she tried to prevent him from harming their daughter.
She narrated her ordeal to the female journalists.

Mustapha Isa, President Nigeria Guild of Editors

“He was beating our daughter with matchet and I tried to stop him from causing harm on our daughter. He turned towards me, held me and bit me on my left eye”.

Ngene noted that it was disheartening in spite of the ongoing sensitization campaign on sexual and gender-based violence, aside the domestication of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition bill in Enugu State and many states of Nigeria, some men are still beating their wives and treating them as slaves and inflicting injuries on them.

She stressed that such incidents are condemnable should not be ignored because, according to her, “injury to one is injury to all”

The Chairperson said there can never be justification for violence against a spouse or any other human being.

She advised women to speak out or relocate from an environment in which they are being violated.

” It’s better to leave to tell the story than to die in silence”.

“The Nigeria Association of Women Journalists, has zero tolerance for sexual based violence or violence in any form.

“We will continue to renew our commitment to ending GBV targeting zero harmful practices to women, girls and children, we will not waiver in this commitment.

“We demand justice for Mrs Onyinye Ozokolo”.

NAWOJ equally called on Faith-based organizations, human rights activists as well as relevant Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to rise to the occasion and speak out against such societal ills in the country.

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