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Mbah Takes Oath Of Office, Hits The Ground Running In Lion Building

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By Ngwuoke Ngwuoke

In less than one hour after his Inauguration as Governor of Enugu State, Peter Mbah swung into action leaving entertainers and merry makers to enjoy themselves

He drove straight to the Lion Building where his office was located and performed his first official function.

The function was the signing of three of Executive Orders to demonstrate his policy direction. The Executive Orders were Orders 001, 002 and 003 of 2023

Mbah, who moved straight from the inauguration ground at Okpara Square, Enugu, to his office on Monday to sign the orders, said they were meant to move the state forward.

According to him, the executive order 001 of 2023 is an order of the citizen charter in line with the promise he made for Enugu people. He said the order would help him perform and fulfill his campaign promises to Enugu residents.

This order, he said, demanded that we manage the people’s money in their best interest and hold him and members of his team accountable of the funds.

“The citizen’s charter mandates us to provide detailed information on our public financial management system, report our revenue to you in detail and ensure we adequately capture our expenditure,” he said.

The Order 002 of 2023, he said, was for the removal of street barriers before our first 100 days in office.

“The order is the removal of illegal structures that block streets and other areas in the state. We urge the owners to remove them before our 100 days in office so that Enugu people will see what we are doing to guarantee their safety and security.

“The Order 003 of 2023 is our mission to make Enugu the best destination for investment by creating environment for businesses to thrive and making policies that is business friendly,” Mbah said.

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