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Nwifuru’s Appointees Are Capable, Will Deliver—Former Commissioner

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By Roland Ike, Abakaliki

The Immediate Past Ebonyi Commissioner for Environment, Dr Richard Nnabu has said that the appointees of Governor Francis Nwifuru are capable and will deliver on the mandates given to them.

Nnabu gave the assurance in an interview in Abakaliki noting that the assemblage of personalities would contribute to the greater good of Ebonyi.

The former commissioner said that a cursory look at the appointees reveals crops of professionals with industry hands-on experience to assist Nwifuru in delivering quality governance to the people.

“I therefore call on the people to support and rally around the governor as he is irrevocably poised to deliver on the people’s charter of needs.

“I also congratulate the appointees on their well-deserved appointment and urge them to work assiduously to fulfill the governor’s social contract with the people”.

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