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NSCDC Seeks Stakeholders’ Collaboration To Achieve Peaceful Societies

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By Roland Ike, Abakaliki

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in Ebonyi state has sought the collaboration of relevant stakeholders to ensure peaceful societies which the world earnestly yearns for.

The State Commandant of the Corp, Felix Gbolade gave the urge during workshop as part of activities to mark the World Peace Day celebration.

Gbolade noted that the NSCDC under its Commandant General, Abubakar Audi promotes the agenda that collaboration is key to the success of ensuring absolute peace in Nigeria.

“Security Agencies, policy makers, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) press, clergy among others should collaborate to achieve this goal.

“We can evolve comprehensive strategies to address root causes of conflicts through adequate knowledge-sharing, expertise and resources.

The state commandant called for adequate training and equipping of security agencies to respond to threats to peace.

“Surveillance, intelligence gathering, community-policing should be at forefront of our efforts to combat insecurity and ensure peace.

“Communal conflicts have shattered peace and stability in Ebonyi, tearing families apart and putting the future of children under uncertainty,”.

He noted that despite insecurity across the globe, there was still a glimmer of hope to make the world safe again.

“We should not stand and allow insecurity persist as peace is the foundation of progress and development,”.

Mr Godwin Erepa, the Assistant State Commandant of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) said that emphasis should be paid to eradication of hard drugs to achieve desired peace in the world.

“80 percent of crimes and cases of insecurity recorded around the world is caused by the intake of hard drugs.

“Canabis Sativa which for example, is legalised in countries such as Canada, can not be legalised in Nigeria due to the high content of the Nigerian brand’s main chemical content,”

Goodwill messages were delivered on the ocassion by the Nigerian Immigration Service, Federal Road Safety Corps among others.

Lectures were delivered on the occasion by a Deputy State Commandant of the Corps, Celestine Ukeoma among others.

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