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Nurses In Ebonyi Elect New Leadership Through Electronic Voting

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By Roland Ike, Abakaliki

The National Association of Nigerian Nurses and Midwives in Ebonyi has elected a new executive through  electronic voting system.

Members if the Association voted from their homes in the  election conducted on Monday in Abakaliki by a committe from its national body.

Mr Bornbless Obasi was re-elected for a second tenure of four years.

Obasi while speaking to newsmen, described the election as ‘credible and transparent’ and commended its national leadership for adopting such process.

“This process was seamless as the delegates voted from their homes after accreditation.

“The results were announced immediately voting ended and its credibility continues to portray nursing as a noble profession.”

The re-elected chairman recommended the voting process to the Nigerian government, describing it as a ‘watershed in electoral process.’

“25 delegates were supposed to vote but the electoral committee disqualified two after screening.

“The 23 votes cast corresponded with the number of delegates so the government should consult us to see how we succeeded.”

Obasi stated that the electoral process was first implemented in 2019 for the Abuja chapter’s election and proved very successful.

“The process was used for the delegate conference which ushered the present national executive in 2020 and then recommended for state chapters.”

Obasi dedicated his victory to God and pledged to consolidate on achievements of his first tenure in office.

“I will ensure the continued enhancement of members’ welfare and seek reconciliation with aggrieved members.”

The election’s Returning Officer, Mr Joe Idiege commended the delegates for ensuring a hitch free process after ‘initial turbulence’.

“I urge the new executive to unite the chapter because some toes might had been stepped on during electioneering processes.”

Mr Patrick Igwe, Chairman of the Nigeria Civil Service Union in the state also urged the members to unite in fighting their common cause.

The other elected officers include: Obasi Chukwu as Vice Chairman, Susan Eze as Treasurer and Kelvin Nwoke as Financial Secretary.

Chimezie Nwoke was elected as the Public Relations Officer, Goodness Ogbonna as Auditor 1 and Nnenna Eni as Auditor 2.

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