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What Akpuenika Thinks Of Works Minister, Umahi

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David Umahi Minister for Works

By Roland Ike, Abakaliki

The Immediate-Past Commissioner for Youth Development and Sports in Ebonyi, Charles Akpuenika has disclosed that Minister of Works,  David Umahi has continued to display astuteness in the management of men and resources.

Akpuenika, a Legislative Aide to the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, was reacting to the recent honour  of the Minister by staff of the Ministry.

Akpuenika, fondly called “the Game Changer,” said that the encomiums heaped on the Minister by staff of the ministry to celebrate him, speak volumes of his administrative qualities

“The staff celebrated his qualitative leadership and sense of devotion to their welfare.

“The workers under the aegies of Joint Union, Federal Ministry of Works took the Minister by surprise as they sought audience with him through the Permanent Secretary of the ministry, Dr. Yakubu Adam Kofarmata.

“The minister in his responsive manner, honoured the audience and beheld over 1,500 workers who thanked him for his qualitative leadership and responsiveness to their wellbeing”.

Akpuenika said that the ‘Pragmatic Leadership Award’ bestowed on the Minister by the joint union showed that they actually appreciated his administrative style, which they  described as unprecedented in the Ministry.

“It is heartwarming to note that while appreciating the workers for the honour, the Minister promised to continue serving and meeting the purpose of his mandate at the ministry.

“His promise of capability- enhancing and other welfare packages for the workers shows his determination to ensure optimum service delivery from the workers.”

Akpuenika commended President Bola Tinubu for being the shinning light on which Umahi emulates craftsmanship in delivering the demands of office.

“Tinubu’s  exploits as Governor of Lagos State endeared him to Nigerians and that made them vote massively for him during the 2023 elections.

“His political sagacity in organizing and holding the All Progressives Congress (APC) together has seen the party soar since its formation and continue to steer the affairs of the country well.

“Nigerians should trust him to deliver on his renewed hope mandate and take the prevailing economic hardship as a temporary occurrence that would soon give way to economic bounty for the people.

Akpuenika recalled as a member of Umahi ‘s Executive Council, how the former governor mobilized men and resources to make Ebonyi the model of a state it is presently.

“Umahi as a team player, raised an endearing team that transformed Ebonyi infrastructurally, socially and politically, to become the envy of other states of the federation.

“He knows how to get the best from people, motivates them incredibly and acquaints them with the best of managerial and general administrative skills.

“He is a teacher, mentor and father who believes eternally that a knowledge not shared is wasted.”

Akpuenika said that such impeccable administrative touch has started bearing on national life with massive visible impacts on federal roads, bridges and. other infrastructural segments.

“The Federal Government’s intervention through Umahi in the reduction of cement prices, is a testament of feeling the pulse of the people as contained in its renewed hope agenda.

“This is therefore a clarion call on Nigerians to be patient with the present administration as the current economic upheavals will soon fade.

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