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Umahi Lauds Nwifuru’s Developmental Strides In Abakaliki City

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By Roland Ike

The Senior Special Assistant to Governor Francis Nwifuru on Urban Development, Hon. Maxwell Umahi has commended the governor for showing commitment to urban renewal especially the development of Abakaliki, the capital city.

Umahi told our Correspondent in an interview in Abakaliki that the icing on what he called “the infrastructural cake” is the erection of an ultra-modern Ebonyi City Tower in Abakaliki and the Aniekwena Modern bridge.

Umahi described the edifices as befitting noting that they had added to the aesthetic beauty of the capital city which is “unarguably the fastest in rising rate across the country.”

“The Ebonyi city tower for instance is unarguably the best in the country and it captures the agricultural essence Ebonyi people are known for.

“The apex of the tower reflects the agricultural prowess of the people so that anybody coming into city will be attuned with such essence.

“The lightning mechanisms are second to none and it makes the town appear like one of the revered cities abroad”

Umahi noted that the bridge at Aniekwena street had solved the movement difficulties experienced by residents of the area.

“The people have now heaved a huge sigh of relief as their socio and economic wellbeing have been enhanced.

“They can now move freely and inter-connect with other parts of the urban community and areas of the capital city and we are eternally grateful to the governor for this.

“The people are happy and feel belonged and covered under the wonder working people’s charter of needs mantra,” he said.

The SSA assured the governor of the urban community’s unfettered loyalty to his administration and urged him to continue delivering the dividend of democracy to the people.

“The urban community has attested to the governor ‘s wondrous strides in all sectors of the state and the acceptance of his policies and programmes by the people.

“He has shown that he is an accurate chip of the old block as his predecessor revolutionalised the state infrastructurally and he is duly taking a cue.”

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