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Careers Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Why should you join us?

We boast a team of renowned, professional journalists with decades of on-the-job experience in both the print and broadcast media. Throw in some digital savvy-ness and you have a crop of reporters and editors who are in touch with the needs of the now and bring along best practices of the yester years.

Journalism never gets boring. Here are some of the benefits you get if you choose to work with us:

  • Work from different locations
  • You get to meet with many new interesting people
  • Contribute to objective coverage
  • Manage your private and professional life better by using your time more efficiently.
  • Make your opinion not only heard but also count
  • Write on many different topics that interest you
  • Learn new things and explore your world
  • Collaborate with many different people
  • Get a better impression of how life actually works
  • Grow your network
  • Gain entry to exclusive events
  • Have the envy of your friends and revel in the attention
  • Reach a massive audience
  • Earn good money

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