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Online Advertisement Rates

Advertising on The Daily Sentinel’s website is an effective way to reach a targeted audience in Nigeria and beyond. Here are some details on the types of ads, sizes, and placements available on our website:

Types of Ads

Banner Ads: Banner ads are the most common type of ad on our website. They can be placed at the top, side, or bottom of the page, and can be in full colour or black and white.

Sponsored Content: Sponsored content is a great way to promote your brand or products. It can be in the form of articles, videos, or infographics that are integrated into our editorial content.

Newsletter Ads: Newsletter ads are a great way to reach our engaged subscribers. They are placed in our weekly newsletter, which is delivered to our subscribers’ inboxes every week.

Ad Sizes and Placements

  • Leaderboard Ad: 728 x 90 pixels
  • Rectangle Ad: 300 x 250 pixels
  • Skyscraper Ad: 160 x 600 pixels
  • Top-of-Page Ad: Available upon request
  • Side-Bar Ad: Available upon request
  • Bottom-of-Page Ad: Available upon request

To learn more about advertising on The Daily Sentinel’s website or to request actual rates, please contact us at [email protected].

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