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NGO  Trains Health Workers on Value Based Communication

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By Ikenna Osuoha, NAN
 The Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria (PPFN), has commenced training of healthcare workers on value based communication to address the issue of hesitancy in the uptake of COVID-19 vaccine.
Dr George Swomen, PPFN Access Project Coordinator, said this in an interview with newsmen in Abuja.
Swomen said that the training and retraining was part of the activities for the Access Project to review the communication strategy of healthcare workers.
“We as an organisation cannot overemphasise the need to train and retrain healthcare workers. The quality of service delivery depends on the quality of healthcare workers we have. This will also help to increase the uptake of COVID-19 vaccine in Nigeria, one of the key aspects is to review the value based communication of our health workers,” he said.
The Medical Practitioner said that the hesitancy in the uptake of COVID-19 vaccine depended much on the communication strategy of health workers. According to him, communication of health workers can either make people take the vaccine or dissuade them. Swomen who described vaccine hesitancy as a function of myth and ideations, said COVID-19 vaccine was safe and efficacious.
“Vaccine hesitancy is very available, vaccine hesitancy comes from an unsure face, I will understand why he is hesitant. I will provide correct answers if it is due to misconception, I will try to correct the misconception”. (NAN)
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