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Nigerian Political Abracadabradal Mathematical Formulas – A Unique Phenomenon?

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By Dr. Raphael Christopher

Many will agree that the Nigerian political abracadabradal mathematical formulas are legendary and has no competition on the face of this earth and even in this universe or multiverses, no matter your personal political persuasion, views, personality and perspective.

Shrouded in impenetrable mystery and layered with hefty layers of tinted and darkened inscrutable windows of darkness, the Nigerian political abracadabradal mathematical formulas above is believed to apply to every election, to every vote, and to every results.

The outcomes of the the Nigerian political abracadabradal mathematical formulas applications leaves everyone, except the owners of the formula, bemused and left scratching their heads at the outcome which defies all known laws of standard mathematics. Since, the results cannot be analysed by mere mathematical tools hence the need for the further academic research of the natural, the not so natural and the mystical components formulas that makes up the Nigerian political abracadabradal mathematical formulas.

The Nigerian Political abracadabradal mathematical formulas does not necessarily favour the rich and well heeled. The news, recently, has been replete with the rich asking the delegates to return their money back after unfavourable outcomes for them. Neither does it favour the poor, the middle class and the lowly either, who don’t even get a look in as they cannot afford the entry fee!

This is why the Nigerian political abracadabradal mathematical formulas is a mystery shrouded within enigmas of Herculean proportions.

If there is no such formula, how can one explain elections where Mr X votes was counted and he got 20 votes. Mr Y votes was counted and he got over 81 votes

But, by some magical acrobatic alchemy concocted by deep alchemists, somehow, Mr X name ends up as the winner, even though he had the fewest votes?

Is that not the result of a political abracadabradal mathematical formula that was applied to the election results?

The formulations and underpinning politico centric remote and immediate contributors to the formulations of the Nigerian abracadabradal mathematical formulas is a subject that is worthy of study and should be studied in detail as it may perhaps hold the key to resolving the endemic political problems across the world.

Of course, many of my readers may already know from anecdotal evidence, their own experience and encounters the Nigerian political abracadabradal mathematical formulas and those who know, know however, they are in the minority, therefore true academic research is needed to subject this Nigerian political abracadabradal mathematical formulas to greater intellectual rigour and scrutiny.

Precisely, we need to study whether the Nigerian political abracadabradal mathematical formulas applies in all settings and to which elections? We need to study whether it is transferable across institutions. We need to study how deeply entrenched it is across our society. We need to study whether it is prevalent in every sector of society. We need to study how it is constructed and why it is very effective thus far. We need to study how countermeasures can be developed and applied? We need to study how far it has helped to develop society or destroy society.

It is hoped that by the end of this rigorous academic research, we can all have, useful information to guide future elections and deliver more transparent elections across every strata of society and on a lighter note – a document that will give everyone a better understanding of the Nigerian political abracadabradal mathematical formulas and help stop many people from scratching their heads at the operators and operations of the Nigerian political mathematical abracadabradal formula that was used to arrive at the winners of elections, so people don’t lose all their hair and go bald!

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