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NAWOJ Calls On Political Parties To Field Female Vice Presidents

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By Amaka Amaka

The Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ), has commended all the registered political parties in the country for conducting their conventions successfully and electing their presidential candidates.

This was contained in a statement issued yesterday by the National President of the Association, Mrs Ladi Bala.Bala said with the political parties gearing  up to commence their campaigns, they should consider choosing  women as their Vice Presidentail candidates.

The statement reads:

“While NAWOJ applauds the processes and the demonstration of the sense of responsibility by the political parties in the conduct of their primaries, there is however the need for a gender sensitive representation in the entire political equation and balancing.

“There is no gain saying that this has become imperative.
It is against this backdrop that the Association hereby appeals to political parties to, in the interest of inclusive society and development, consider picking a woman as running mate for the office of president and governors of the respective states.

“It is worrisome to note that rumours making the rounds are suggestive of male candidates being considered for the office of vice president by political parties.

“This posture will not only negate the contributions of women to nation building, it will also endanger an inclusive governance in Nigeria where all demography clearly indicate the need for a sense of belonging and giving equal opportunity for females to serve at the highest level.

“The time has come for the promotion of gender equality in political leadership in Nigeria and be accorded the center stage particularly as we head towards the 2023 general elections to help reposition the country and properly situate it in its pride of place and position as the giant of Africa not only in size but in involvement in global discourse.

“NAWOJ equally calls on journalists and media organisations in the country to rise to the occasion of setting agenda for a more inclusive governance in Nigeria”.

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