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Group Warns Youths On Dangers, Consequenses Of Drug Abuse

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The Family Sphere of Influence of Global Transformation Agenda (GTA) of Wailing Women Worldwide, FCT Chapter, has joined in the fight against drug abuse among youths in the country.

The Global Coordinator of the intercessory group, Mrs Adebisi Mustapha, spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on the sidelines of a musical concert held at the All Saints Protestant Church, Nigerian Police Chaplaincy, Kuje on Sunday.

She said that the event was organised to educate youths on the dangers and consequences of drug abuse and how to avoid addiction.

The event tagged ‘Youth with a Purpose’, featured music, prayer sessions, dance, networking, interactive sessions as well as presentations from experts and other stakeholders on how to curb the menace among youths.

Mustapha said the group decided to focus on drug abuse because of its negative effects on families, which she said, was the most important sphere of influence.

“There are seven spheres of influence. They include the areas of family, economy, government, religion, education, media, and celebration. The most important and the one I coordinate is the family.

“The family is most important because everybody in the world belongs to a family which is the simplest and the smallest unit of any society.

“So, every other sphere originates from the family sphere of influence and that is why we are very concerned and particular about the effect of these negative vices on the family.” 

She added that the event was also to celebrate the birthday of one of her sons in the Lord, Augustine Kehinde, who she said often organised musical concerts to mark the occasion because of his passion for the youths.

“So, as a group, we thought it wise to use the opportunity of this birthday and musical concert to engage our youths on the dangers of drugs and substance abuse.

“We are out to ensure that the menace is completely eradicated and do whatever we can to save our youths from the consequences which are seriously ravaging our society.

“So that is why we are here today. We are here on a rescue mission and also to raise foot soldiers and ambassadors.

“People who will go out there and carry this message to the youths about the consequences of drugs and substance abuse and help those who are already affected.

“We have today amongst us a psychologist who is a specialist in this area.

“We also have a consultant psychiatrist who is here to talk to the youths about the adverse medical implications and consequences as well as the issue of rehabilitation, which is the last solution for those who are already addicted.

“We also have parents here who have come to give counsel and prayers and we believe God is going to bring deliverance and help us as parents to raise children who will be good and useful adults tomorrow,” she said.

Mr David Folarunmi, a Substance Abuse Advocate and Drug Abuse Recovery Coach, appealed to youths to shun actions and habits that could affect their health.

Folarunmi, one of the lead speakers at the event, warned that drug abuse and addiction affects personal productivity, and ultimately, the development of the country.

“Part of what we do is to go round doing drug abuse prevention campaigns to help the youths understand the repercussions of illicit drug use and how it can destroy their future.

“The programme today is tagged ‘Youth with a Purpose’ and one of the things I tell people is that when a youth does not understand his purpose, he or she tends to distract himself or herself with ‘pleasure’ such as drug use.

“So, today the GTA under the Wailing Women have invited me here to speak to the youths gathered here today on fulfilling purpose and how using drugs can actually destroy that purpose.

“Because once they start engaging in illicit drug use, then they have truncated their destinies and destroyed their purpose,” he said.

Augustine Kehinde, the birthday celebrator, said he was happy that the event was used as an avenue to reach out to the youths.

“I am actually celebrating my birthday today and I see this as an avenue to create awareness about drug and substance abuse, which is a good thing.

“I always do this every year every time I am celebrating my birthday because of my passion for the youths in the country.

“We have to pass the message to our teeming youths in Nigeria that drug abuse is detrimental to their health and that is why I welcomed the idea wholeheartedly.

“I thank God and appreciate the Wailing Women for volunteering to do this because of their love and passion for the youths in the country.

“I am also into gospel music. So, I also use this as an opportunity to gather the youths to praise and worship God,” Kehinde said. (NAN)

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