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UN Report; Release Nnamdi Kanu Now, NCF Tells Buhari

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By Ngwuoke Ngwuoke

The NIgeria Consultative Forum (NCF) has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to immediately release the incarcerated leader of Indegenous People’s of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

The human rights group made the call in a statement signed by its president, Uzor A, Uzor, in Abuja, the Federal capital.

The rights body said the Federal Government of Nigeria should immediately adhere to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Arbitrary and illegal Detention.

They demanded that without further delay Mazi Nnamdi Kanu should be set free from DSS facilities in Abuja where he is presently being detained.

The statement said Nigeria is a signatory to all UN protocols, which compels them to obey the decision of UN, stressing that NIgeria therefore should not hesitate in releasing the Biafran leader in compliance with UN position.

The rights group reminded the Federal Government of Nigeria that it had played critical roles in the arbitration and resolution of crises in some African countries which again puts burden on it not to fail to abide by the directive of an international organisation like UN.

The group condemned the indifference and insensitivity of President Buhari in releasing Kanu in line with the UN resolution.

It would be recalled that a few months ago, some Igbo Elders led by Chief Mbazulike Amechi, a first Minister of Aviation paid a special visit to the President to appeal to him to release Kanu, in which he promised them to look into the matter.

Unfortunately, the request and advice by the Igbo elders were ignored by the President who allowed Kanu to languish in DSS cell.

Kanu’s release, said the group, had become imperative following rising insecurity in the country which has snowballed to Abuja.

Many of Kanu’s supporters have been expressing fears that terrorists with the active connivance of some elements in the Federal Government could shoot their way into the DSS facility to snuff life out of him, hence the urgent need to release him.

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