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Bizarre Celebration In Enugu Of Court Of Appeal’s Ruling On Nnamdi Kanu

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By Ngwuoke Ngwuoke

The Court of Appeal’s verdict that Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the proscribed indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has no case to answer on the terrorism and felony charges preferred against him by the Nigerian government has elicited diverse reactions across the country.

While some people took to the streets to express their happiness, one man in Enugu decided the bizarre option.

He decided to set his car ablaze to celebrate the ruling.

The man, believed to be an IPOB loyalist, on Thursday night burnt down his vehicle in public glare to celebrate.

Reports say the man, whose name was not immediately known, had earlier made a vow to carry out the act if Nnamdi Kanu was released from detention.

The man made good his vow following Thursday’s judgment by driving to a location near Onitsha South Mass Transit Terminus , opposite Holy Ghost Cathedral , Enugu, disembarked from the vehicle and setting it on fire after dousing it with petrol.

The strange action attracted onlookers who filmed the bizarre act , while some concerned individuals attempted to put out the raging fire.

It was not immediately known whether the man’s action was in appreciation of the ruling or in protest that Kanu was not released immediately.

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