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Nnamdi Kanu Is Only Discharged Not Acquitted— Justice Minister Malami

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The jubilation that engulfed the South East following the Appeal Court judgment discharging the leader of Biafra agitation has been cut short as a result of the rebuttal from the ministry of justice.
In a terse press release following the misinterpretation of the Appeal Court verdict, the Minister of Justice, Mr Malami put up a press release to debunk that Kanu was acquitted as he still have many other cases relating to his alleged role in the insecurity in the South East .
He clarified that the court judgment was in relation to “ A single issue that borders on rendition” and not acquittal.
Below is the press statement:
“The Office of the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice has received the news of the decision of the Court of Appeal concerning the trial of Nnamdi Kanu.
For the avoidance of doubt and by the verdict of the Court, Kanu was only discharged and not acquitted.
Consequently, the appropriate legal options before the authorities will be exploited and communicated accordingly to the public.
Nnamdi Kanu, Leader of IPOB
The decision handed down by the court of appeal was on a single issues that borders on rendition.
Let it be made clear to the general public that other issues that predates rendition on the basis of which Kanu jumped bail remain valid issues for judicial determination.
The Federal Government will consider all available options open to us on the judgment on rendition while pursuing determination of pre-rendition issues.
*Dr. Umar Jibrilu Gwandu*
(Special Assistant on Media and Public Relations, Office of the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice).
13th October, 2022”
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