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Roads Users Development Network of Nigeria Faults Purported Election, Describes It As Hoax

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By Goodluck Ikiebe

The Chairman, Board of Trustees (BoT) of the Road Users Development Network of Nigeria (aka Traffic Update Family), Dr John John Uket, has described as “clandestine activity” an election purported to have been held at a meeting of the association last Saturday in Lagos.

The election was said to have taken place after the Boat Chair and other foundation members left the protracted meeting.

In a statement issued in Abuja, Dr  Uket,  dissociated himself, the BoT and the entire association from the election saying it may have been a media prank  by disgruntled elements in the body aimed at hijacking its structure for personal gains.

Uket said that there was no communication or notice indicating that there would be an election on the meeting day.

He said that a few hours to the meeting,  Mr Chimeze Obi, Chairman of the Caretaker Committee, told him on phone that there would be no election on that day.

The Road Users Development Network of Nigeria, is voluntary organisation that aims at facilitating road safety through reportage and information dissemination.

The statement says the purported election is not only discrediting but a hoax of the 21st century.
“This is predicated on the inability to ensure transparency and fairness in the electioneering process.
The unequivocal abuse of electoral procedures was not only obvious but also in breach of  provisions of section XIV and XV of the association bye-laws.

“It was gathered that the atmosphere of rancour, acrimony and turbulence, which characterized the day necessitated an appeal to have an election on a new date that will bring decorum to the body”.

“Moreso, taking into cognizance the fact that the Caretaker Committee conducting the elections did not publish the names of contestants, there was no campaign by contestants, manifestoes were not presented by the candidates and as such it is highly discreditable to hold an election without recourse to these democratic processes which are fundamental in any election.

“Furthermore,what was  worrisome was the resignation of the Caretaker committee on the floor of the meeting. An election could not have been conducted in such an atmosphere especially after key officials of the association had departed.

“Therefore, it is pertinent to state herein that the purported election is a hoax and members of the public should distance themselves from  dealing with the said elected officials until a credible, fair and transparent election is conducted in the future”.

Uket advised members to be calm and not be distracted by any move designed to destroy the association, while also lauding all members for their commitment and raising the bar of responsibility.

He finally called on all members to keep the flag of the body high in ensuring that the roads are safe and ensuring proper traffic management across the country.

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