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“I am Here To Deliver You From The Clutches Of Bad Administration, Nkwegu Tells Ebonyi People In A New Year Message

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By Ngwuoke Ngwuoke

The Governorship Candidate of the Labour Party in Ebonyi State, Chief Edward Nkwegu, says 2023 provides a golden opportunity to build a new Ebonyi State that will liberate the citizenry from maladministration.

Nkwegu made the remarks in a New Year Message to the people.

Full text below:

“My dear people of Ebonyi State, “It is with a heart full of joy and gratitude to God that I address you as we enter the New Year, 2023. God, in his infinite mercy, has been faithful in protecting and sustaining you and members of your family these past years. It is by his mercy that you have not been consumed by the harsh times you have been forced to pass through over the years.

“As we march into 2023, it is our prayer that the good people of Ebonyi State shall be liberated from the clutches of bad administration and for once breathe in fresh air in a peaceful, harmonious and productive environment.

“After conducting a Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threats analysis on our dear state, I have come to realize that the number one challenge of the state is poverty. Ebonyi State is the poorest state in Southern Nigeria with a poverty rate of about 80%. There is hunger in the land and our children have stunted growth as a result of malnutrition.

Chief Nkwegu

“People no longer sleep with their two eyes closed because of insecurity challenges prevalent in every part of the State. Human capital development is non-existent with unemployment rising to an all high dimension in the State. Our youths, young school leavers, tired of roaming the streets in search of non-existent jobs, have resorted to menial jobs to remain alive.

“Lack of productive and job creating infrastructure/enablers have not only ensured that businesses remain stagnant but also keeps investors and high profile business concerns away from the State.

“However, the good news is that Ebonyians are hardworking, humble, honest and ready to change the narrative.

“It is for this reason that I am offering myself to serve you as the next Governor of Ebonyi State.

“I have a dream to transform and reposition Ebonyi State with a four – point agenda carefully planned to take the state out of the woods.

“The first is Economic Development which will usher in rapid industrialization, agricultural mechanization, infrastructural enhancement as well as job and wealth creation. My administration has a plan for a robust civic responsibility plan which will give our children accessible, qualitative and functional education that will ensure that they are not only employable but also self-reliant.

“Our good governance agenda will provide a conducive atmosphere for rule of law to prevail at all times, reformation of the civil service by injecting a human face for our criminally – neglected workers as well as ensure transparency and accountability in government business.

“We also have an agenda for creating a healthy environment which will culminate in the provision of portable water supply, environmental sanitation and other essentials that will add value to the life of the people.

“Fellow Ebonyians, 2023 provides a rare chance to dismantle the old order. It provides a golden opportunity to build a new Ebonyi State.

“Don’t be deceived by sugar – coated promises that will never be redeemed. Refuse to be bought over to sell your birthright for a plate of pottage.

“Take your destiny in your own hands and vote in Arc. Dr. Edward Okereke Nkwegu of the Labour Party as your next Governor.

“I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year.”

Arc. Dr. Edward Okereke Nkwegu
LP Governorship Candidate
Ebonyi State

December 31, 2022.

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