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Give Nigerians Free, Fair Election; Peaceful Transition, Presbyterian Prelate Urges Buhari In A Christmas Message

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By Ngwuoke Ngwuoke

The Head of the Presbyterian Church in Nigeria, His Eminence, Ekpenyong Akpanika has said that the greatest legacy President Muhammadu Buhari can give to Nigerians in 2023 is a free and fair election followed by a peaceful transition to a new administration.

In a Christmas Message entitled ” Nigeria Shall Rise Again With The Spirit Of Christmas”, Ekpenyong, Prelate and General Assembly Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, acknowledged the efforts of the present administration in the areas of infrastructural development and agriculture.

“As we wish him well, we humbly remind His Excellency that the lasting legacy he will leave behind is a free and fair and a peaceful transition to a new administration”.

The Prelate recalled that Nigerians have survived the traumas of the past by the special grace of God.

He continued: “We have seen poverty and hunger as never before. We have slept with only one eye closed because of the challenges of insecurity.

“Many families have been forced to part with their life savings in order to get back their loved ones from the clutches of kidnappers. We have experienced the worst flood in many years in which lives and properties  were lost.

“Many have lost their jobs and many businesses have closed down due to sluggish economy. But the resilient Nigerian spirit haw kept sustaining the people.

His Eminence, Akpanika, Prelate and Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly

“As I congratulate every Nigerian for surviving these past years, I am compelled to say that Nigerians are tired of being congratulated for surviving the hard times”.

Ekpenyong noted that even though Christmas is a Season filled with festivities, Nigerians should add a new dimension to the celebrations in view of the forthcoming elections.

“The 2023 elections will surely decide the direction and the course of our dear nation. Our failing to get it right this time will surely spell doom for the country”.

He urged politicians to preach peace and abide by it while the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, should live up to expectations.

“Dear Nigerians, I believe strongly that Nigeria Shall Rise again with the Christmas Spirit”, Dr Ekpenyong concluded.

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