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Those Who Destroyed My Billboard Must Be Prosecuted – Umahi

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By Roland Ike,  Abakaliki

Governor David Umahi of Ebonyi state has said that those who destroyed his campaign billboard in his community, Uburu, Ohaozara Local Government Area of the state must be prosecuted.

Umahi made the declaration on Wednesday in a broadcast, noting that security agencies have been mandated to arrest and prosecute the culprits.

The governor chided security agencies for their lackadaisical approach on such issues which makes it appear that they ‘are pampering the opposition’ in the state.

“When you are fair to the ruling party and opposition, you would offer justice to all.

“It is not that these miscreants are not afraid of the governor but the governor cannot apprehend them.

“They are instead not afraid of security agencies.

“When it involves the ruling party, security agencies would be hard on them but if it is the opposition, they will say the ruling party is maltreating them”.

Umahi vowed to pursue the matter to its logical conclusion.

“I have received several text messages as the entire community wanted to burn the houses of the culprits.

“I restrained the people, making them know that I am still the governor of the state.

“People should not be afraid of me but should should respect and honour me,”

Umahi reiterated his directive that the two newly inaugurated vigilante groups would not participate in the forthcoming elections in the state.

“The Ebonyi vigilante corps and the state neighbourhood watch would however work assiduously to check the activities of those who say that elections would not hold in the state,” he said.

He however urged the people to vote in sustaining the prevailing charter of equity which has ensured peace and political stability of the state.

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