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Election: NSCDC To Check Activities Of Non-State Actors In Ebonyi

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By Roland Ike, Abakaliki

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in Ebonyi says it is ready to combat non-state actors during Saturday’s presidential and national assembly elections in the state.

The State Commandant of the Corps, Felix Gbolade gave the assurance on Friday in an interview on the corp’s readiness for the polls.

Gbolade said that such proscribed groups would not be allowed to disrupt the polls as the people should confidently exercise their franchise.

“The NSCDC and other security agencies have strategised to ensure that people cast their votes without molestation or threats to their lives.

“The courts have proscribed the activities of these groups and they cannot participate or disrupt the polls.

“Any body seen illegally with arms will be arrested and anyone who shoots will be matched with force.

“The state government has shown enough commitment to check the activities of these groups and they have gone underground.

The state commandant noted that over 850 personnel of the corps would be involved in ensuring adequate security during the elections in the state.

“We received deployment from the zonal command of the corps and also assistance from the headquarters.

“We would deploy 10 operational vehicles and use them especially at identified flashpoints across the state.

He advised policitians to apply decorum in their activities during the elections to ensure a peaceful exercise.

“The man at the helm of affairs seems to take everything and that is why everybody want to win elections and occupy positions.

“We are happy that Ebonyi is relatively peaceful compared to other states of the south east and we want to maintain it,”.

An Assistant Commandant General of the Corps sent to monitor the elections in Ebonyi, Augustine Obiekwe said that the command has adequately deployed its personnel for the election.

“We would ensure adequate monitoring of the elections to achieve a hitch-free exercise.

“The contestants and voters should conduct their activities lawfully before, during and after the polls,” he said.

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