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Journey To A New Nigeria Not An Easy Road – Obi

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By Ngwuoke Ngwuoke

Mr Peter Obi, the Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party in the February 25 election, has said that he never expected the journey to a New Nigeria to be an easy one.

This is because the forces that are enforcing the Old Order will not let go easily as they are bound to fight back.

Addressing the National Executive Council meeting of the party in Asaba, Delta State, Tuesday, Obi said what is playing out now in Nigeria is the Old Order fighting back.

He said the LP would not succumb to any intimidation or harassment.

“If they come at us through land, air, and sea, we will respond to them through land, air, and sea. But we will remain law-abiding and will never give up on the nation.

“We are on the right path, and we will remain committed to the cause”.

While pledging not give up on the journey until victory is achieved, Obi urged Nigerians to remain calm and steadfast in their journey of reclaiming their mandate of a New Nigeria.

He said he was committed to a New Nigeria that will be beneficial to every Nigerian stating that the struggle to reclaim the mandate was not about him as a person, but about millions of Nigerians who reposed confidence in him through their votes.

“The millions of Nigerians who voted for me did not just cast their votes; they invested their hope in me. They deserve justice. So we must remain on course. And beyond regaining our mandate, I am committed to lifting people out of poverty. I remain committed to transforming Nigeria, starting from the North to every part of the nation.”

Alerting Nigerians of more mud-slinging on him in the days ahead, Obi said that he would not be deterred by the challenges and obstacles on the way to victory.

“I have always lived my life in the most law-abiding manner possible. Sometimes, as humans, we make mistakes, but I will never knowingly break any law. I am, therefore, not afraid of the lies and propaganda against my person. They are part of the journey to a New Nigeria,” Obi concluded.

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