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Umahi In Tears At  Valedictory EXCO Meeting 

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By Roland Ike,  Abakaliki

Governor David Umahi of Ebonyi succumbed to emotions as he presided over the final state Executive Council (EXCO) meeting of his administration

Umahi who shed tears during the final moments of disengagementsaid he couldn’t thank the council members enough for their contributions to the success of his administration.

The governor said that though it was difficult, it was petinent to accept that a moment as was being witnessed, would come.

“I thank you for the cooperation you gave me and assure that I am still a father to you all.

“The next administration is a continuation of this present one and I will ensure that those who would not be retained would still make contributions in it,”.

Umahi announced that he would finally dissolve the council during the handover ceremony on May 29 and urged them to participate fully in its build- up.

“You have all done well and my joy is that I made astute engineers and administrators in all of you.

“Do not be afraid because I am still there for you and God will prosper all you invest the money I gave you into,” he said.

He however announced the retirement of 17 permanent secretaries in the state civil service and the retention of 15.

The governor announced that the state Head of Service, Dr Rita-Mary Okoro, Senior Special Adviser on Religion and Welfare Matters, Rev Fr Abraham Nwali among other officials would be retained.

“The Special Assistant to the Governor on Airport project, Mr Frank Ngwu Commissioner for Trade and Investment, Mrs Chioma Nweze would be recommended to the new administration as consultants.

“I urge the retired permanent secretaries not to be angry but see the development as a preparation for future endeavors.

Dr Kelechi Igwe, the state Deputy Governor thanked the governor for his fathely care to the EXCO members, noting that the memories would spur them further in life.

“You treated us like a father: scolding when necessary, condoning our weaknesses and bringing out the best in us.

“We would cherish the moments we shared with you and forever remember your kind-heartedness and ingenuity”,

Dr Kenneth Ugbala, the Secretary to the State Government said that words could not describe the impact of the governor in their lives and prayed for God’s continued guidance upon him.

Members of the council took turns to recount their experiences in governance and gratitude to the governor for the opportunity to serve the state.

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