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Ebonyi Businessman Assures Ebonyians That Gov Will Create Wealth, Empower Youths

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From ABIA ONYIKE, Political Editor
An Ebonyian, Chibueze Nwigwe, who is a Lagos-based business mogul, has expressed confidence that the newly inaugurated Governor of the state, Hon. Francis Nwifuru, will turnaround the economic fortunes of the state and create wealth for residents.
According to him, with the unmatchable infrastructural development recorded by the previous administration, Nwifuru had no reason not to properly harness the prosperity of the state, for the good of the masses especially the youths.
The Lagos-based business mogul stated this when a teeming Ebonyi youths visited him in Lagos, on Monday.  He said, “I’m confident the focus of Governor Nwifuru will be on human capital development, health, education, amongst others. Our youths will  experience unprecedented empowerment in this administration.
“Our incumbent governor is a progressive youth and friend of the youths. My understanding of his body language shows that he would prioritise HCD via youths empowerments and talents harnessing. Thousand of Ebonyi youths will become millionaires under Governor Nwifuru’s administration.
“Our current Governor is the youngest Governor so far in this state and you could see the appointments he has made so far that the youths constituency is well represented. He has also set a good record on inclusiveness.
“I’m urging all Ebonyi youths to shun all forms of illicit acts, support the government and make the best use of the numerous opportunities that this government will create for them in the next four years.”
He added, “Those who know Governor Nwifuru will agree that he’s an honest person with a clear intention on what he wants to do for Ebonyians and the state. We owe him our supports and cooperation.
“The numerous infrastructures delivered by the previous government need to be put into more productive use. We must tell investors and convince them to see that Ebonyi is now the safe haven and best option for them. We have the International markets, we have the good roads, we have the Airport and we have the enabling and encouraging environment for business. We must tell this story to investors.
“Let me state also that I’m convinced that this administration will increase tremendously the Internally-Generated Revenue of our beloved state. The Governor means business and we will support him to achieve desired results.”
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