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NLC Mobilizes For Nationwide Industrial Action Wednesday Despite Court Injunction

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By Larry Oyims


The Nigeria Labour Congress NLC and its affiliate unions may not call off the proposed nationwide industrial action Wednesday upon the  order from the National Industrial Court  stopping it.

Justice O.Y Anuwe of the National Industrial Court who presided over the matter brought by the Federal Government to stop the strike had ruled that the strike cannot go on until the matter that was pending before him was determined.

The Federal government had on its part  argued that the economic hardship such action might inflict on the masses and the attendant disruption of services that will likely paralyses the country and create social upheaval if not properly managed. Would lead to mass protest that will derail the new democratic government headed by Chief Bola Tinubu.

But in its own statement circulated to the press, NLC and The Trade Union Congress TUC said that the court papers had not been served on them and threatened that the strike must go on despite the court injunction.

The labour congress is angry against the hasty manner president Tinubu removed subsidy on petrol on the first day of his swearing-in without consultation annd  adequate arrangement to cushion the effects on the people. The NLC President Mr Ajaero described such action as insensitive and callous, noting that the removal should have been properly planned and articulated involving the labour and the masses to avert plunging the country into chaos.

Asked if NLC will call off the strike, the labour leader said that the protest will go on tomorrow since the court has not served them any notice to stop it. However, the Federal Government is currently meeting with the Organised labour to stop it after attempts to describe it as a regional protest failed.

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