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Umahi’s Former Aide Advises Nwifuru On Education, Agriculture

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By Steve Onu, Abakaliki

The South East Zonal Secretary of the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC, Azobi Innocent Itapi, has tasked the Governor of Ebonyi State, Francis Nwifuru, to focus more on reviving the collapsed state of education and agriculture.

Azobi, former Senior Special Assistant, SSA to immediate past governor, David Umahi, have the advice while speaking with newsmen shortly after an event at the new Government House, Abakaliki, capital of Ebonyi State.

He urged the citizens of the state to be patient with the governor, Francis Nwifuru, and expressed optimism that the governor would “over deliver” the party’s (APC) mandate to the people.

According to him: “The ruling All Progressives Congress, APC, under Nwifuru Francis in Ebonyi State will over deliver its mandate to the people of the state. He knows the problems facing the citizens of the state.

“I urge him (Nwifuru) to focus more on education, infrastructural maintenance and most importantly, he should revalidate agriculture because Ebonyi is known for farming.

“He should take agriculture very seriously because that’s the only thing that can assist the state to improve economically,” he stated.

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