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Women Groups Commend Reps For Championing Affirmative Action For Women In Nigeria.

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By Amaka Amaka, Enugu

Two noble groups, Women Support Women (WOSUWO) and Heroine Women Foundation (HEWOF), have applauded member representing Orhionmwon/Uhumwode Federal Constituency of Edo State, Billy Osawaru, for redirecting the focus of the Green Chamber to the 35 per cent affirmative action on women appointments into political positions.

The Executive Director of the organisations, Onyinye Mamah gave the commendation in a statement released Saturday in Enugu.

She expressed concern that though the 35% Affirmative Action on Women’s Appointments is recognised, it has yet to be acted upon as expected which according to her had left Nigeria behind many other African countries such as Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa and Namibia where women participation has recorded over 40% increase.

In a motion tagged “Need to Ensure Beijing Declaration of 35% Affirmative Action on Women’s Appointment into Positions”, Osawaru had stated that the National Gender Policy (NGP) formulated a 35% Affirmative Action in Nigeria since 2006 which demands 35% of women to be included in all governance processes.

Mamah commended the courage of the lawmaker to speak up for women in the country who, according to her, have been marginalised in political appointments despite their contributions to the political space.

The Executive Director expressed optimism that the move, when implemented, would further give voice to women to actively participate in the decision-making processes especially on matter that pertains to them.

She urged federal lawmakers to ensure that the motion is fully implemented not only at the federal level but also at the state and local government levels.

Commending the 10th House of Reps for the bold step, Amb. Mamah called on state governments, especially in the south East and Enugu in particular, to ensure that more women are appointed into sensitive positions.

This she said would be reasonable if it is realised in the yet-to-be-released Special Adviser and Commissioner lists.

According to her, aside appointing more women to political position, more women should also be elected into elective positions because Enugu women have the capacity to contribute immensely to the development and growth of the State.

Recall that the House of Reps, on thursday, adopted a motion to ensure the 35% Affirmative Action on women’s appointments to political positions.

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