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Authorities Urged To Engage Project Management Consultants To End Cases of Failure and Building Collapse in Project Execution.

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By Goodluck Ikiebe

A Project Management Consultant, Mr Victor Eshiemokhai, has emphasized the need for relevant agencies to engage the services of project management consultants in project execution to avoid cases of abandonment and building collapse.

Eshiemokhai told newsmen in Abuja that the purpose of project management is to look into the planning, cost implications, risk control and management as well as close supervision of the project.

“What is happening in Nigeria against the backdrop of project failure and building collapse is that the sequences of project execution are not properly followed, thereby resulting in abandonment and failure.”

Eshiemokhai stated that project management consultants are to ensure compliance whereby every element of the project is properly done and carried out without cutting corners as done by some contractors.

“Someone who is behind the scene to ensure that the sequence is properly monitored and executed has to be a project management consultant. Without this, projects are bound to fail or abandoned”, Eshiemokhai noted.

According to him, “About Sixty percent of structures in Nigeria’s capital city are below standard, so there is a need for the government to work with experts on what to be done to remedy the structures and future projects”.

The Consultant noted that there are weak structures everywhere in the world, not only in Nigeria, but the government should put in place a technical team to regularly test structures and find a way to remedy them by renovating and remodelling in line with standard procedures.

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