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Enugu @32: Mbah Says Administration Will Realize Dreams Of Founding Fathers through Disruptive Innovation

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By Amaka Amaka, Enugu

Governor of Enugu State, Dr. Peter Mbah, says his administration is determined to realize the goals and dreams of the state’s founding fathers through innovation and disruptive governance.

Governor Mbah gave the assurances in a statement at the weekend to commemorate the 32nd anniversary of the creation of Enugu State.

While extolling Enugu’s founding fathers, who fought for the creation of the state in 1991, the governor maintained that their sacrifices had never been in vain, as successive administrations have continued to sustain their legacies and work towards the realization of those dreams.

He, however, stressed that the target of his government is to go beyond the sustenance of the dreams to actualizing them through innovation and disruptive governance philosophy.

“I salute the determination and sacrifices of our founding fathers and all those that contributed in one way or the other in the tortuous journey of ensuring that the quest for a state of our own came to fruition. We will never take their sacrifices for granted.

“Our agenda is to immortalize them by fashioning out a state that they will be proud of and a state that will stand as a reference point in socio-economic transformation in the country.

“Over the past 32 years, we have witnessed some commendable transformations aimed at sustaining the dreams of our founding fathers. However, what our administration is doing is that, we are no longer comfortable with the incremental model because the world is fast evolving through technologies and new ways of doing things.

“We started this by laying a new foundation that will disrupt the sub-optimisation in governance. We have started doing things differently because we want a state where posterity will be kind to us. We want a state where our children will judge us fairly. We want a state where poverty will be a thing of the past.

“We understand that these are not going to be easy, but with your support, and our commitment to our governance philosophy, I can say we will get there faster than ever imagined.

“We are determined to take our economy from the present $4.4 billion to N30 billion, and we are laying the necessary foundations for this exponential economic revolution.

“We have made consequential statements on security and backed them with action to guarantee investment inflow. And we will not rest on our oars until the last atom of threat to our people’s peace and security is escorted out of the state,” part of the statement reads.

The governor wished the people of Enugu State a happy 32nd anniversary.

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