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Governor Mbah Directs Immediate Rehabilitation Of NYSC Camp In Enugu State

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…donates transformers, others for restoration of power

By Joseph Egbo

In a move to give the National Youth Service Corps Orientation Camp in Enugu State a face-lift, Governor Peter Obi has directed the immediate rehabilitation of the camp with modern facilities.

The rehabilitation includes the provision of other social amenities, including the drilling of two industrial boreholes to enable access to clean water, rehabilitation of the road linking the camp to Awgu town, rehabilitation of toilet facilities and roof leakage remedial works.

The governor gave the directive on Friday in a message to the opening of the 2023 Batch “B” Stream 2 Orientation Course.

He approved the sum of ₦5 million as additional funding for the feeding of the corps members who would be undergoing series of trainings and courses for the next three weeks at the camp.

He said the Camp would, in addition, receive a donation of transformers from the state government adding that he had further directed the clearing of 6 kilometres power line through Awgu, Mmaku, Obeagu to Achi community in Oji River asd a way of restoring power to the camp.

“To ensure that you have access to a conducive and safe environment throughout your stay in Enugu State, I have approved a sum of ₦5 million to be utilized as additional funding for your feeding on camp and also approved the following; transformer to be powered today; work done to restore power includes: clearing of 6km power line through Awgu, Mmaku, Obeagu to Achi, changing of pot insulators, broken cross arms and sanitizing of the line, construction of 2 industrial boreholes for adequate water supply; rehabilitation of toilet facilities; roof leakage remedial works; access road rehabilitation; overhead water tanks.

He urged the corps members to surpass the records of their predecessors in terms of their contributions to the growth of their host communities and assured them that his administration would continue to be youth-friendly by providing enabling grounds, trainings and empowerment programmes for them to thrive and realize their dreams.

The governor also wants them to freely integrate with the communities, participate in their development efforts and “exhibit the highest degree of loyalty, dedication, discipline and commitment to national ideals” of the scheme.

While urging the corps members to seize the opportunity of serving in the state to visit some of the best tourist attractions in the country which are located in the state, the governor said their safety would continue to be assured as the state is known for peace.

Speaking earlier at the ceremony, the representative of the Chief Judge of the state, Justice Afojulu Raymond Ozoemena, Justice A. O. Onovo commended the governor for his efforts in ensuring the return of security and normalcy in the state, saying that the state is peaceful under the present administration.

Onovo further charged the new corps members to uphold the torch given to them with integrity and conduct acceptable to the society.

He urged them to shun drugs and anything that would put their character to question even as he reminded them that the society was looking up to them to show the way.

On her part, the State NYSC Coordinator, Mrs Gladys Adama appreciated the state government for its intervention and assistance in subsidizing the feeding of the corps members in camp.

Adama said that the facilities in the NYSC camp were old, worn out and dilapidated as the ones still in use were stretched to the limit, bearing in mind that it was the oldest camp in the whole federation.

She added that total of 2,345 corps members made up of 1,075 males and 1,270 females corps
registered for the programme.

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