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Gov Peter Mbah Signs Electricity Bill into Law

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By Dan Nwomeh

The Governor of Enugu State, Dr. Peter Mbah, Friday, signed into law, the Enugu State Electricity Bill, describing it as a major step towards economic growth and making the state the premier destination for investment, business, tourism, and living.

Speaking at the event, which took place at the Government House, Enugu, Dr. Mbah said the quest by his administration to build Enugu State’s economy from $4.4 billion to $30 billion would translate to a pipe dream without adequate and stable power supply, hence the need for the Electricity Bill, which was transmitted to the House of Assembly about a fortnight ago.

He commended the leadership and members the House of Assembly for the expeditious passage of the Bill and for their partnership with the government for the good of Enugu State.

“As you know, following the Constitutional Amendment and the Electricity Act of 2023, electricity is now on the concurrent list. This will now enable us to play in all the value chain of the electricity industry.

“So, Enugu State has spared no time in making sure that we create our own electricity market. That is the crux of this law.

“We are now able to play in the generation, transmission, and distribution segments of the electricity market.

“We are also, through our regulatory commission, which this Law has given us power to create, going to be able to regulate the activities of these players – the generation, transmission, and distribution companies that will flow from it.

“So, this is a significant and very important Law towards the achievement of the Enugu of our dreams because the development and growth of Enugu will all be predicated on the platter that this law has created. You cannot talk about industry or private sector investment if you don’t have electricity or power.

“Enugu, under our administration, is designed and indeed prepared to be the premier destination for investment and this law is part of the enablers.

“Therefore, we thank members of the Enugu State House of Assembly for the expeditious way they treated this Bill, which has become Law today by this assent”, the governor stated.

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