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Immediate Past Ebonyi Sports Commissioner Hails Governor’s Cup Success

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By Roland Ike, Abakaliki

The Immediate Past Commissioner for Youth Development and Sports in Ebonyi, Hon. Charles Akpu Enika has hailed what he described as the tremendous success story of the ongoing Governor’s Cup competition which final will be played on Sunday, September 10, 2023.

Akpu Enika made the commendation in an interview, noting that the competition had realised its aims of uniting youths from the 13 Local Government Areas and discovering hidden sporting talents across the state.

The immediate past commissioner for sports popularly called ‘Game Changer’ said that true to expectations, the new administration had started demonstrating its readiness to give sports its pride of place in the state.

“I deeply commend Governor Francis Nwifuru for approving the organisation of this competition and being the rallying point for its successful hosting.

“He said in his campaign manifesto that sports would become an avenue of pride and empowering the youths and with what we have seen so far, there is high hope on the horizon,”.

He also commended his Successor and Bosom Friend, the Commissioner for Youth Development and Sports, Hon Richard Idike for his astuteness in ensuring that the competition became a huge success.

“In the past weeks since the competition started, the commissioner has been visible at the stadium, ensuring that things fall into place to ensure smooth soccer proceedings.

“He has ensured that the rules guiding the competition are followed strictly and attended to complaints and observations of participating teams to the delight and satisfaction of all.

“This has served as a great motivation to the organisers to toe the line of efficiency in ensuring that the dreams of the governor and sports lovers in the state; over the competition are realised,”.

Akpu Enika noted that with the standard displayed at the competition, there was hope that the enough budding talents would be discovered at its end.

“The standard is very high. This shows that there are several untapped talents scattered across the state and any avenue to bring them together as a unity should be appreciated.

“The hope is heightened on the formation of a state football team with identified talents at the competition, groomed to form the necleus of the expected team,

He charged Ebonyi people especially sports fans, to continue supporting the governor for him to achieve his democratic ideals for the people especially on sports.

“We are confident of witnessing a great football spectacle on Sunday during the final between Ebonyi and Ishielu LGAs, to leave a lasting memory of the competition.”

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