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Nation-Building: NYSC Creating Impact In Rivers State

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By Roland Ike

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has been a veritable vehicle in the onerous task of nation-building. This role has been amply performed by the Corps since its establishment in 1973 to foster rehabilitation and unity in a nation just ravaged by a three-year, fatricidal civil war.

The Corps since then has integrated oneness in the nation, posting prospective youths to states and geo-political zones that they don’t come from. The states which are the major beneficiaries, see these Corps members integrating with natives, learning their culture and engaging in programmes that not only develop the areas they perform their primary assignments but also the states in general.

Rivers State has benefitted greatly from the activities of the Corps and successive governments have acknowledged this fact.

During the recent, closing ceremony of the 2023 Batch B, Stream 2 Orientation Course for Corp Members deployed to the state at the NYSC permanent orientation camp, Nonwa-Gbam, Tai Local Government Area of the state, Governor Siminalayi Fubara urged them to be resilient in offering invaluable services to their host communities.

Fubara, represented by the Director of Administration, Office of the Secretary to the State Government, Mrs. Wealth Ingo-Tariah enjoined the Corps members to continue in their task of nation building for the benefit of the state.

“You have to be disciplined and patriotic so as to make positive impacts on the lives of good people of Rivers State.

“I commend you for outstanding conduct throughout the duration of the orientation exercise and urge you to be focused in playing pivotal roles to uplift the lives of the people.

Fubara assured the corps members of his administration’s continuous commitment in meeting their security and welfare needs.

The Rivers State Coordinator of the NYSC, Mr. George Mfongang had appealed to the corps members to sustain the nation building ideals of the corps and make Rivers citizens feel the impact.

He urged them to go into the nooks and cranny of the state to meet the yearnings and expectations of the people.

“You have been well trained and equipped as leaders with the capacity to make positive changes through effective and efficient service delivery.

“Nation building is all about making the people feel the impact of governance and development as you should identify the needs of the people in their respective communities.

“You should help them overcome such needs by executing Community Development Service projects aimed at impacting positively in their lives,”

He noted that the NYSC would always appreciate the love of Rivers State government and its people and reciprocate such by being worthy partners in the development of the state.

“The various forms of assistance from the government and people of Rivers State, have created enabling environment for us to succeed and we will keep up the nation-building ideal,”.

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