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1,161 Retirees So Far Paid Gratuities In Ebonyi, Organised Labour Confirms

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By Roland Ike, Abakaliki
The organised labour in Ebonyi has confirmed the payment of gratuities to 1,161 retirees by the Gov. Francis Nwifuru-led administration.

The confirmation gives credence to the government’s claim of making the payment described by the oppossition, as a ‘hoax’.

Prof. Ogugua Egwu, state Chairman of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) made the confirmation in Abakaliki when he led a delegation of the organised labour to a courtesy call on the governor.

Egwu said that the payment which was ongoing, was unprecedented and an attestation of Nwifuru’s humanistic approach to workers and retirees.

“You have initiated policies that have changed the lives of workers which includes addition of N10,000 bonus to all civil servants in the state.

“The recruitment of over 1,500 workers into the state civil service and 195 health personnel in general hospitals, among others are also rare feats,”.

Egwu said that the “ill-conceived opinion’ of several governmental agents that labour leaders are ‘trouble-makers’ should be corrected.

“This opinion which posists that labour leaders are always out for war and uncontrolled militancy, is wrong.

“We rather partner with the government to ensure that workers wellbeing are enhanced.

“The organised labour is poised to ensure synergy in reaching the middle point for steady progress,”.

Egwu while presenting several demands of workers, noted that labour would always explore dialogue in resolving disputes with the government.

Governor Nwifuru in his response, thanked the organised labour for the visit and reiterated his promise to workers, of “bountiful days”.

“The NLC chairman has a good heart because when I wanted to appoint him a commissioner, he declined stating that he did not work for my party.

“The chairman said that there were many people who worked for my party and then recommended the present commissioner for markets and park development,”.

He remarked that he did not appoint a commissioner or aide on labour relations because he didn’t want anyone to bring disssafection between government and labour.

The governor acceded to labour’s request of a process to review workers’ salaries and also donated a bus each to the NLC and Trade Union Congress (TUC).

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