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By Callistus Ebue

Sequel to the Enugu State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal judgement delivered on Thursday 21st September, 2023, which favours you, I feel the need once again to write you on the status of your mandate. By that judgement, you have moved from INEC mandate to Judicial mandate, you still have two other judicial gatekeepers to scale through before your tenancy at the LION BUILDING Enugu would be guaranteed for the next four years. But nevertheless, your inability to secure the people’s mandate will hang like the sword of Damocles on your head even if you triumphed at the remaining gatekeepers.

In my first letter to you, I stated that if the judiciary would really lived up to its billings as the TEMPLE OF JUSTICE, that you are only a PLACE HOLDER tenant at the LION BUILDING Enugu. However, I also pointed out that the judiciary, judging by some of its recent pronouncements on election matters, has desecrated the TEMPLE OF JUSTICE and turned it into the TEMPLE OF INFAMY.

I do not really want to go into the nitty-gritty of the judgement: whether you forged your NYSC certificate or not; whether NYSC certificate is a precondition for contesting the Governorship Election or not and whether you won the majority lawful votes cast or not, I leave that to your lawyers and petitioners lawyers, who are well paid and are already smiling to their various banks, to do the job.

My attitude is that if Bola Tinubu with all the baggage he carries, was virtually declared a saint by the PEPC, why not you that didn’t carry even half of those baggage.

Sir, it made me question the congruity of the statue of the blindfolded woman with a sword as the symbol of justice, symbol of virtue and integrity, that dispense Justice without fear nor favour, affection nor ill will, no matter whose ox is gored. If that statue is what represents the judiciary in our country, and given the PEPC and that of Enugu State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal judgements, then I am afraid to say that she has debased her womanhood, compromised her virtue, purity and integrity. She has removed the cloth that blindfolds her to see clearly the highest bidder whom to spread her legs to. You will agree with me that this is most unfortunate.

Peter Mbah, Governor Enugu state

Sir, I am not in the habit of spreading rumours; as a professional, my dictum is to separate facts from fantasies. Therefore, I will ignore the rumours making rounds before the judgement that about 3 billions naira of tax payers’ money was used to strip our lady (thejudiciary) naked, without leaving her any modicum of shame or sense of justice, culminating in your coasting home to “victory”

I can hear the popping of champagne, and celebration by your cronies and foot soldiers, but while the euphoria of the Pyrrhic victory is going on, let me remind you once again that it is not yet UHURU. As a student of history, I remember the case of King PYRRHUS of EPIRUS, whose army suffered irreparable casualties in defeating the Romans. Therefore, a Pyrrhic Victory is such a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it tantamount to defeat. Is our dear State is headed that direction.? I wonder.

Finally Sir, just like a dream, you have already clocked one hundred days plus in office as the Governor Enugu State and the people are still waiting to see the magic wand to concretize your promises into positive action.

Yes granted that you have packaged beautiful programmes for the state on air, the people are patiently waiting for the force of gravity to pull them to the ground.

But what we have seen so far is a cry to heaven for justice is the wanton and brazen demolition of the hotel of a retired Immigration Senior Officer, an indigene of Enugu State, Barr. Okey Ezeugu, in a Gestapo style operation within the first three months of regime even, when the matter is in court. The property was legally allocated to him with C of O by your predecessor. People were wondering the efficiency and precision you studied the case file within three months of your inauguration and arrives that demolition was the best option. You may wish to recall my caution in my first letter to you about the hallmark of your immediate predecessor in office, which is land grabbing and that of your former boss Chimaroke, who elevated violence and thuggery as a legitimate instrument of governance. I hope that wasn’t your destination, because it can no longer be business as usual, as in the days of your predecessors.

Finally finally Sir, I will end this my second epistle by wishing you and the people of Enugu State a happy 63 Independence anniversary, if it is possible for us to be happy in the face of biting economy hardship we are experiencing today.

Yours Sincerely,
Callistus Ebue
( NUJ Secretary Enugu State 2003- 2006)

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