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Nigerian Optometric Association Counsels Nigerians On Adequate Eye Care

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The Nigerian Optometric Assocition has advised Nigerians to effectively protect their eyes with the prevailing usage of communication gadgets.

Dr Nnanna Ajuruchukwu, Ebonyi Chairman of the association made the call on Thursday in an interview, noting that eyes “were too precious to toy with”.

The chapter through the chairman, noted that people presently use communication gadgets such as phones, laptops among others regularly and such brings strains to the eyes.

“Individuals especially those above 40 years of age, should conduct regular eye examinations to ensure that their eyes are in condition.

“Failure to conduct regular eye checks can lead to glaucoma which is a major cause of irreversible blindness,”.

Ajuruchukwu recommended that people should observe good vision management especially the 20-20-20 principle.

“People should work with their gadgets for 20 minutes then take their eyes off such gadgets.

“They should view into space of about 20 metres distance for about 20 seconds before returning to work,”.

He also recommended the usage of prescribed-protective glasses such blue cord lenses to protect the eyes from rays.

“The blue rays are injurious to the back of the eyes and can lead to blindness.

“People should also be moderate in the usage of communication gadgets to prevent avoidable strains to the eyes,”.

The chapter according to the chairman, used the recent World Sight Day celebration to enlighten the people of the need to effectively protect their eyes.

“We delved on the theme of the event which was love your eyes at work and enlightened people on harmful practices which affect the eyes.

“We enlightened the people to stop applying urine, pepper, fluid from orange and onions peels, harmful chemicals among others on their eyes,”.

He noted that the association used the occasion to clarify the various roles performed by various organs of eye management.

“Ophthalmologists conduct eye surgeries, optometrists handle eye and vision care management while opticians fabricate eye glasses and optical lenses,” he said.

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