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Nigeria’s Army Chief Lists Training, Welfare Top Priorities As Over Six Thousand Recruits Pass Out

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By Goodluck Ikiebe

The Nigerian Army has passed out over 6000 Recruits of the 85 Regular Recruit Intake (RRI) in a colourful regimental Passing Out Parade (POP) at the Parade Ground of the Depot Nigerian Army, Zaria, Kaduna state.

The journey to soldering by the Six Thousand Three Hundred and Fifteen (6,315) passing out Recruits, began after successfully undergoing a painstaking selection process, and reporting for training at the Depot Nigerian Army on 3 June 2023, culminating in the POP on Saturday.

Addressing the Passing out Recruits, the Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja, felicitated with the young soldiers for the successful completion of their training, describing it as qualitative, realistic and tailored to meet contemporary security needs of the country.

Gen Lagbaja reiterated that in tandem with his Command philosophy “to transform the Nigerian Army into a force, well trained, equipped and highly motivated towards achieving its constitutional responsibilities within a joint environment”, troops’ training and welfare are top most priorities under his command.

He reaffirmed that the Nigerian Army will continue to give troops’ training and welfare the priority it deserves, adding that current emphasis is on the renovation of accommodation facilities that are in deplorable state, while efforts are also being made to provide additional ones.

“Our soldiers deserve the best accommodation we can provide, when they are not in the frontline as incentives for their sacrifices.

The Army Chief also maintained that under his stewardship, the Nigerian Army is improving its medical facilities, to make them more suitable to handle all battle casualties arising from operational engagements.

He reminded the young soldiers, that soldiering is a life of sacrifice to country, allegiance to defend and if need be, pay the supreme price.

“As you pass out today, you have accepted the highest call to duty, any Nigerian can take up” he declared.

In the presentation of awards that followed, the Indian Training Company among others, emerged the Champion Company and received the Depot Nigerian Army Champion Banner, while, Recruit Abdullahi Abubakar, bagged the Chief of Army Staff Award for coming tops amongst his mates, Recruit Ugwu Clifford clinched the Commandant Depot Nigerian Army Award, Recruit Ideba Love won the Chief of Administration (Army) Award, while the Chief of Training (Army) Award went to Recruit Edet Samuel.

Dignitaries, who graced the Passing out Parade with their esteemed presence include, the Governor of Kaduna State, Senator Uba Sani, Chairman Senate Committee on Army, Senator Abdulazziz Yar’adau, former Chief of Army Staff, Maj Gen Alwali Kazir, Commandant Nigerian Defence Academy, Maj Gen John Ochai, representative of the Emir of Zazzau, Principal Staff Officers from the Army Headquarters and the General Officer Commanding 1 Division, amongst several others.

Meanwhile, the Chief of Army Staff Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja, has solicited the support of royal fathers of the traditional institution for the Nigerian Army and other security agencies in ensuring that enduring peace and harmony reign in their domains.

He made the call when he paid a courtesy visit to His Royal Highness, Ambassador Ahmed Nuhu Bamali, at his palace in Zaria.

General Lagbaja commiserated with the Emir and good people of Zazzau Emirate on the recent passing of their illustrious son, Nigeria’s Ambassador to Morocco, Alhaji Mansur Nuhu Bamali and prayed for divine fortitude to bear the irreplaceable loss.

The Royal father in his remarks, gave his blessings to the Chief of Army Staff and assured of his support and that of his Emirate to the Nigerian Army.

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