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By Ngwuoke Ngwuoke

When Dr Peter Ndubuisi Mbah was campaigning for the governorship position in Enugu State, his campaign mantra was Tomorrow Is Here. Not many people understood that philosophical slogan. What Dr Mbah was simply saying was that the foundation for a better tomorrow is laid today. Within his first 100 days in office as governor of Enugu State, Dr Peter Ndubuisi Mbah has presented a purpose-driven leadership ushering in a number of exciting landmarks.

Dr Mbah assumed office when the security of life and property was a major challenge in the state. The state economy, like in other states in the South East geo-political zone, was under a serious threat by an unlawful sit-at-home order imposed on the people every Monday by faceless non-state actors. By demonstrating uncommon courage, tact and determination, the Mbah administration has changed the narrative.

To sustain this milestone achievement, Dr Mbah set up a Distress Response Squad with well equipped patrol vehicles at strategic locations to ensure immediate and timely response to security breaches. The full scheme to be commissioned in the coming weeks will have a Command and Control Centre, 100 patrol vehicles fitted with high definition surveillance cameras with capability for facial and number plate recognition and an emergency phone number for residents to alert the security operatives on emergencies and expect speedy response.

Dr Mbah is taking bold and radical steps to re-jig the state economy, aiming to increase it’s GDP size from 4.4 US billion dollars to a whopping 30 billion dollars. To this end, he has successfully hosted the maiden edition of Enugu State Investment and Economic Growth Stakeholders’ Roundtable which attracted the best players in the private sector and development partners as well.

Water supply has been a recurring challenge in Enugu State for decades. On assumption of office, Dr Mbah promised to deliver pipe borne water to the people in 180 days. But within 100 days, the 9th Mile Water Scheme is already producing more than 25 million litres water daily, with prospects of increasing production to 70 million litres per day by November.

On power supply, Dr Mbah has signed the Enugu State Power Law, which domesticates the Electricity Act of 2023, giving the State powers to establish an Enugu State Electricity Market and also expand power generation and distribution across the state.

On education, the Mbah administration has commenced work on the building of smart schools, with one planned for each of the 260 political wards in the state. The schools are designed to catch Enugu children young and infuse in them skills in science and technology, mathematics, and ICT.

Similarly, the administration is targeting the refurbishing of at least 260 Primary Healthcare Centres in the state.

The Mbah administration considers agriculture as a key plank in its economic growth plan. No wonder, the administration has set up an Enugu State Agricultural Land Bank with the ultimate objective of setting aside 300,000 hectares of land for agricultural use.

Similarly, the government has commenced the planting of cassava under the pilot scheme of the Cassava to Ethanol Programme in Aninri, Nkanu East and Uzo Uwani Local Government Areas of the State.

The State Government has also met its counterpart fund of 274 million naira to IFAD, with the prospects of attracting more than one billion naira from the World Bank as support to farmers in the state.

The Mbah administration took concrete steps to revitalize the moribund jetty and waterways at Ogurugu River in Uzo Uwani Local Government Area. This yielded immediate result with the Nigerian Navy partnering the State government in establishing a Naval base in the area.

Road transportation also received the attention of Dr Mbah during his first 100 days in office. For example, the administration has identified 81 roads and 2 flyover bridges for construction or reconstruction and expansion. 71 of the roads are in Enugu metropolis while 10, are connecting roads to the 3 Senatorial zones in the state.

The achievements of Dr Peter Ndubuisi Mbah the first 100 days can not be complete without mentioning his magnanimity to retired workers in the state. The administration has determined the arrears in pensions and gratuities, and payment has since commenced with Two Billion Naira already disbursed to clear some of the arrears.

One hundred days is a short time for a correct assessment of an administration. However, it is enough time to have an insight into an administration and predict its performance.

Dr Peter Ndubuisi Mbah has demonstrated, in just 100 days, that he is a man of vision, a man of ideas, and a man with a purpose.

Given adequate support and cooperation and going by the landmark achievements made so far by the governor, the people of Enugu State can be sure that for them, tomorrow is indeed here.

Written by Ngwuoke Ngwuoke, a Public Affairs Analyst

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