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Ebonyi Gov’t Set To Return Mission Schools To Original Owners

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By Edwin Ota

The Ebonyi State Government, on Sunday, said that modalities have been put in place to return all Mission Schools to their original owners before the end of the year.

Governor Francis Nwifuru made the disclosure when the Catholic Bishop of Abakaliki Diocese, Most Rev. Dr Peter Nworie Chukwu, paid a pastoral visit at the Government House Chapel, Centenary City, Abakaliki.

Responding to an appeal by the Bishop, Governor Nwifuru maintained that the Catholic Church was strategic to attainment of quality teaching and learning in schools in the State and directed the Commissioner for Primary and Secondary Education, and the Attorney General of the State to immediately commence the process of handing over of the Mission Schools to the original owners.

He commended the Bishop for coming to bless the congregation of the Government House Chapel and pledged his readiness to carry along Churches, including the Catholic Church in his administration.

Nwifuru, however, warned the church against meddling into politics, insisting that the primary duty of the church is to preach salvation to mankind.

“I have always told people that I am not an ordinary person otherwise how can a former bricklayer, conductor and motorcycle mechanic become Governor of Ebonyi State within a space of 10 years?

“We are going to send 100 first-class and 2nd class (Upper) graduates to countries of their choice to further their education. When they come back they will teach in our schools. We will also send 300 persons to do their Master’s in any Nigerian higher institution of their choice.

“If the Catholic Church is ready to take back their schools, we are ready and not only Catholic Church, every other church whose schools were taken over by government,” the governor stated.

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