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By Amaka Amaka

The PCRC Zone 13 Women wing has stated its resolve to partner Foreign Common Wealth and Development Office (FCDO) Enugu for more effective service delivery.

The chairperson PCRC Zone 13 Women Wing, Bar Sylvia Abana stated this during a courtesy visit to the Management of FCDO.

Abana who was in the company of PCRC members commended FCDO for its numerous contributions in the southern Nigeria especially in Enugu state adding that the aim of the visit was to solicit partnership with the office.

“We are here to express our happiness towards your activities and wish to partner you in any way you deem fit. We are interested in what you people are doing.

“In PCRC, we have handled many cases between communities and police just like other NGOs. We observe international days like every other CSO. We will participate in the 16 days activism. We teach children skills acquisition, we encourage and support them, we go for outreaches and advocacy visits.”

She continued “we encourage mothers to inculcate good morals in their children so as to help reduce crime by avoiding being used as instrument of destruction especially during elections.

She continued “Last year we had a symposium on security which we also invited the governor and all the big wigs in Enugu and it was a success. That is basically what we do but today, If there is any case at all, people come to report to us and we follow it up to ensure that the needful is done.

“Any case we get about the police we report directly to the CPO, after briefing him, he ensures the needful is done.

According to Abana, “we are not pretending that sometimes the police do compromise, but we do our best to ensure sanity and crime free environment. To ensure victims get justice and also to build hope in the communities they are deployed to. We partner the Nigerian police and different communities to strengthen a bounce back relationship among the police and the people. We also work on the already existing impression about the police, to see that the police do the needful at all times in the discharge of their obligations in serving the populace, especially in line with the phrase “police is your friend”

Responding, the Regional Coordinator, Southern Nigeria Foreign Common wealth And Development Office (FCDO) Enugu, Dr. Olachi Chuks-Ronnie said” like now security is top on the agenda for everybody including the five south east governors.
I believe you have taken the softer part.

” It’s good to bring to your notice that we did quite a lot on policing in Enugu, it includes community policing, Isi=Uzo Mentality Dispute Resolution among others. Also, the Enugu Justice Reform Team which is made up of the judiciary, the police, the prison and the ministry of justice we equipped their office, give them necessary tools they needed, did capacity building for them, all these were made available through the intervention programmes like justice for all and access to justice intervention “.

She continued, “I am glad to receive you people and my office wishes to accept this hand of fellowship you just stretched. It will be awesome when we come together especially in collision to achieve a common goal.
Nigeria is ours and we have to make meaningful impact as our quota to the society. end of quote.

The visit was attended by members including a former governorship candidate in Enugu state, Bar, Nnenna Anozie.

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