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MSME’s Forum Restructured Into Two Bodies For Effective Administration And Policy Implementation

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By Goodluck Ikiebe

In what can be described as a smooth transfer of power from the old chip to a new block, the MSME Forum has created two bodies for effective administration and policy implementation.

Former Chairman, Board of Trustees, Dr Albert Akinyemi, announced the new structure to members of BMOs at their strategic planning meeting in Abuja on Thursday.

Under the new structure, the governing council is headed by the Chairman, who is the final decision making body, while the Secretariat is led by the Director General under whom are seven Directorates responsible for the day to day running of the administration.

Akinyemi named the new Chairman as Mrs Rose Gyar, a member of the Board, while Dr Francis Alaneme takes over as the Director General. Other Directors include, Dr Linus Obinna, Mr Olusegun Adeleke, Barr Fidelis Ugbo, Ambassador Precious Gilbert Akpan and Mr Marvis.

Akinyemi declared, “I have relinquished my position so that the young ones can come in to continue with the vision of the Organisation”.

He advised the new leadership to swing into action and implement better policies for the benefit of members.

Akinyemi thanked partners and collaborators that have signed MOU’s with the MSME Forum like, Ministries of Industry, Trade and Investment; Finance; Budget and National Planning; Agriculture and Food Security, National Space Research and Development Agency; Raw Materials Research and Development Council; Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria; Development Bank of Nigeria; Bank of Industry; Security and Exchange Commission; Nigeria Export Promotion Council.

” We are also grateful to development partners such as World Bank, UNIDO, EU and GIZ for their encouragement”, Akinyemi added.

The new Chairman, Mrs Gyar, promised to galvanize efforts of all members under a platform that can be sustainable and positively contribute and participate in the growth of the economy.

She reaffirmed commitment to the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Tinubu Administration.

On his part, the new Director General, Dr Francis Alaneme, vowed to bridge the gap between members and the government to facilitate access to loans and other benefits.

Also inaugurated was the Vice Chairman, Mr Joseph Attah, who was the Chairman of the defunct Technical Committee.

Our Correspondent reports that over Seventy associations are members of the MSME Forum.

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