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Nasarawa Tragedy Woman Crushed To Death By Overhead Water Tanks 

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By Amaka Amaka

A young woman from Onyagbada, Nua, Aku, in Igbo-Etiti local government area of Enugu state has been crushed to death by four overhead water tanks that fell on her in Nasarawa Egon local government area of Nasarawa state.

The deceased, Mrs Celestina Idike was said to have been fetching water from a borehole around her residence when she met her untimely death.

Jacinta Idike, sister in-law to the deceased, who was fetching water with her, narrated how the tragedy happened.

“We went together to fetch water from the borehole and met the owner of the borehole who told us to move inside to fetch. He knew that tank stand had issues but he claimed he had repaired it and told us to go and fetch the water.

“So when we fetched, my aunty stayed back after she had helped me place my container on my head. I entered our house through the back door but when I looked outside I saw that the tank stand carrying four GP tanks of about 5000 liters each was about to fall down.

“I started calling on my aunty to run for her dear life. Immediately, my brother came out, saw what was about to happen and started shouting for help.

“As we were still shouting and running towards the scene, the tanks fell at different angles and as my brother’s wife was running for her life when one of the tanks landed on her and killed her instantly.
“So this is how this world is; my eyes have seen terrible things in this life and this is one of them,” she said.

Reports say sympathizers that rushed to the scene were blaming the owner of the borehole for using sub-standard iron to build the tank stand.
In an interview with our correspondent, Samuel Idike, husband to the deceased, said that her remains would be buried on Wednesday at his country house Onyagbada, Nua, Aku.

He solicited assistance from Enugu state government as the incident  has left their only child without a mother.

Idike lamented having buried his parents (Mr Attama and Josephine Idike) almost same period recently after both became blind for over ten years.

Our Correspondent reports that the borehole owner was preparing to start selling water to members of the public before the unfortunate incident.


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