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Raphael Uro Shatters Academic Record At FUTO

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By Larry Oyims

Raphael Enyinna Uro from Afikpo has broken an academic record  at the Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO). In the institution’s convocation held at the university recently,  Mr Uro scored the highest record in his department, obtaining 1st class in Electrical/Electronic Engineering with a major in Power Systems Engineering. Signs of his academic brilliance started manifesting when he distinguished himself at the Federal Polytechnic Unwana where he got his OND, scoring A’s in all subjects. It was therefore not surprising when he performed the same feat at FUTO as the Senate decorated him with First Class Honours at its convocation ceremony.

Raphael Enyinnia Uro

A quiet and highly religious person, Mr Uro consistently topped his class in every exams in the school. No doubt, his academic performance will attract foreign scholarships to his way as he has no other option  than to pursue his education to PhD level. Copycraft Publishing, a well known publishing company in Nigeria is celebrating this academic prodigy and wishing him well in his academic endeavours.

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