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USLACC Africa Mourns Ezeife; Describes Him As Revered Leader in Nigeria

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By Goodluck Ikiebe

The United States Latino American Chamber of Commerce (USLACC) Africa has expressed sadness over the loss of one of its esteemed members, Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeife, also known as Okwadike Igboukwu.

The Representative for Africa, Ambassador Ifeoma Mary Ejiogu said in a statement in Abuja that Ezeife’s departure comes at a poignant moment as USLACC Africa prepares for the groundbreaking TECH-DPAY empowerment program scheduled forĀ  Monday, December 18, 2023, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Auditorium in Abuja, Nigeria.

“The news of Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeife’s passing has left us profoundly saddened. Yet, amidst our sorrow, we hold gratitude for the abundant grace that guided him throughout his life”, she noted.

According to her, “Dr. Ezeife was a revered figure in Nigeria, particularly in the South-East geopolitical zone. His absence will be deeply felt by all who had the privilege of knowing him. His legacy as a distinguished leader, who served our nation across various capacities, marking him not only as a leader but also a statesman whose impact on leadership, governance, and community development in Nigeria, as well as his invaluable contributions to USLACC, will be revered for generations to come”.

Ambassador Mary Ejiogu noted that his contributions to USLACC, Nigeria at large particularly in the areas of leadership, governance, and community development during and after his tenure as the first executive governor, were invaluable, and his dedication to the progress and well-being of our people will always be remembered.

“During this difficult time, we pray and hope that the Ezeife family finds solace and strength in the memories they shared with their beloved patriarch”, Ejiogwu counselled.

“May his soul rest in eternal peace, and may his family find comfort in the Lord” She prayed.

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