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PDP Is Functioning Without Noise In Ebonyi State – Party Chairman 

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By Roland Ike, Abakaliki
The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Caretaker Committee Chairman in Ebonyi State, Dr Augustine Nwazunku has said that contrary to insinuations, the party is functional and operates noiselessly in the state.

Since the conduct of the last general elections in the country, activities of the party in the state seem to be on a low ebb.

This development gave rise to insinuations in some quarters that the party is has yet to recover from its loss in the gubernatorial, Senate and five out of six available House of Representatives seats in the state.

Nwazunku while reacting to the insinuations, said on Monday that the party was still its vabrant old self and would retrieve its gubernatorial mandate at the Supreme Court.

“Visit our party secretariat to see the volume of activities going on as we don’t need to be announcing our internal operations.

“Consultations go on daily at the ward, Local Government Area (LGA) and state levels while our stakeholders are working assiduously for the party’s wellbeing,”

The caretaker chairman urged party faithful not to be disillusioned over proclamations by some persons that they have left the party.

“Declaratione of leaving the party is generic as someone might declare such in a bar to attract an extra bottle of beer.

“There are people who are not PDP members but impersonate by declaring that they are leaving the party,”

He noted that some party stalwarts who organised press conferences to announce their defection no longer have electoral value.

“These persons were nurtured, nominated and appropriated by the party to become senators, chairmen among others.

“They no longer have sense of responsibility towards the party because they did not achieve their aims in the last general elections.

“The fact that no party has lured them for membership confirms their present zero political value and we are happy over such riddance,”

Nwazunku also said that the party was not perturbed by its stalwarts, identifying with the policies of the All Progressives Congress (APC) led administration in the state.

“All Ebonyi people have responsibilities to the development of the state and must not belong to one party.

“One party does not have the best brains to uplift the state as such brains can be harvested from other parties to achieve desired objectives.

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