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Lagos Street Soccer Celebrates Mayoress At 50

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By Dianabasi Effiong

The Chairman of Lagos Street Soccer Bolaji Yusuf has felicitated with the Executive Chairman of Ikosi-Isheri LCDA, Princess Simiat Abolanle Bada, on the occasion of her golden jubilee birthday celebration.

Yusuf described her as an excellent administrator and a bedrock supporter of grassroots democracy and sports development.

In a statement released on Thursday Yusuf eulogised Mayoress as she is fondly called for her outstanding service to Ikosi -Isheri LCDA, Lagos State and the nation at large in various capacities, both in public and private capacities.

He said: “On behalf of the Lagos Street Soccer Committee, I join family and friends to celebrate an outstanding administrator, a philanthropist, football aficionado and co-Chairperson of Lagos Street Committee on the auspices of her birthday celebration.

“Mayoress has proven in different capacities her quench and desire for human capacity building alongside her excellent governance acumen which has beam her into the epicenter of the political elite circle and in the committee of friends.

“I wish Mayoress the very best on her 50th birthday as she joins the Golden Jubilee Group today. I pray that God will grant her long life and sound health to continue to render more selfless service to humanity.”

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