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Immediate Past Ebonyi NUJ Chairman Sworn-In As State Broadcasting Corporation DG

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By Roland Ike,  Abakaliki

Anthony Nwizi, immediate past Chairman of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Ebonyi state Council has been sworn-in as Director General of the State Broadcasting Corporation, EBBC,  by Governor Francis Nwifuru

The governor who performed the ceremony on Thursday in Abakaliki also swore-in Emeka Nwonu as  Executive Secretary of the state Local Government Pension Board.

The governor urged Nwizi to revamp the corporation within one month having been one of its pioneer member of staff.

“The Corporation is seriously challenged presently but we will make funds available for its total revamp.

“The Commissioner for Information made huge provision for the Corporation in the budget and we will ensure that the funds are provided.

“Ensure that the Corporation rates higher than established broadcast stations in the country as we can achieve such as a state.”

He advised Nwizi not to discriminate against anyone but assume the a fatherly role even over those older than him.

“I initially did not intend that you head the Corporation but had to do so because our own person should be in charge.

“All the recommendations I received over the headship of the Corporation favoured outsiders but I felt we have the personnel to head it.

“I will still address the staff members but remember that whoever offended you in the past is now a staff under you,”

Nwifuru noted that Nwonu was appointed due to his tenacity to the cause of his emergence as Governor even in the face of huge vilification.

“Whenever I see you at government functions, I feel indebted over the role you played in ensuring our emergence.

“You were seriously vilified even by your people for supporting us with many saying that you did not know what you were doing”

He urged the appointee to solve the problems confronting local government pensioners in the state due to inherent challenges in the system.

“The past administration did something on the problems but I am not still satisfied due to complaints still coming from pensioners.

“People say the office is big for you but I told them that if I can be governor this young why can’t you?”

Nwizi in an interview thanked the governor for the appointment and pledged to justify the confidence reposed in him.

“The task is challenging but with the cooperation of all the staff, we will succeed,”

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